Training Courses

Our on-site and remote training courses are tailored to specific stages of your Kubernetes adoption — whether you need to begin with basic learning (such as "What is a Kubernetes Pod?") or with advanced issues such as configuration of Kubernetes networking and troubleshooting your clusters.

We also offer hands-on training courses for our open source projects so that your team can jump start on delivering value to your customers instead of spending weeks to learn the system.

You are in good hands when it comes to training on
AppsCode OSS products. Our training sessions are
run by the engineers who develop our products.

Kubernetes workshop teaches the basic Kubernetes concepts and day-to-day interactions as a user of the system. This disucsses how to deploy and scale a cluster on your preferred cloud provider, configure DNS, and manage applications with Kubernetes (including creating and managing pods, replication controllers, services and ingress) from cli and UI.

Workshops are delivered via web-conferencing or in person (within Continental USA). You’ll also learn about how to manage and troubleshoot your cluster. We're open to discussing other materials to cover. Please let us know in the contact form, if you are interested.

Got more questions? Let's talk.